Saturday, June 28, 2014

Summer party food!

Hey! I have some summer party food that was SO yummy, be sure and check it out!
So first I made some guacamole. 
3-4 Avocados
3-4 Limes (juice)
1/2 red onion
1 jalapeno (without seeds)
A large handful of cilantro (chopped)
Around 1/2c of tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Dice everything and mash and mix together!

The next thing I made was lime chicken skewers
I marinaded the chicken breasts overnight in: (I didn't measure anything, sorry)
Olive oil
4-5 limes
heaping handful of cilantro
onion powder
Put it in a bag and marinade overnight in the fridge.
So for the skewers I took red bell peppers and pineapple and cut them into chunks

I took my chicken out and cut it into cubes.

I set everything aside, to go for a swim. We took our salsa and guacamole, chips and a large cup of water to enjoy the summer sun!

By the time we got up there...

The skies opened up, for about 45 min.
Make sure you season the chicken with salt and olive oil before grilling. Grill until its cooked all the way through!

And there is our wet dog.
Happy summer!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Preview!


Summer is finally here! To kick it off, I will be posting some fun pool party food! I will show you recipes and tutorials on how to make yummy food for your summer party, stay tuned tomorrow for that!
I hope your summer is going well so far! I will hopefully be getting more tutorials and summer themed ideas and activities! :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

7 Day Jump Start Fitness Challenge!

7 Day Jump Start Fitness Challenge!

I always need goals to work for, so challenges are my favorite! This challenge will include all kinds of exercises designed to help you achieve your personal fitness goals! :) Hope you join in the challenge!

Day 1: Full Body Burn: Hiit style

Set your timer for 50 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest
-High Knees
-Donkey kicks (R leg)
-Donkey kicks (L leg)
-Jump Rope
-Kettle Bell Swings
-Flutter Kicks
-Down Dog Pushups
-Glute Bridges
-High Knees

Day 2: Rest/stretching or walking

Day 3: Glute Workout
-100 Prisoner Squats
-30 Lying Side leg lifts (with arm extension) (R Leg)
-30 Lying Side leg lifts (with arm extension) (L leg)
-15 Side lunges (R leg)
-15 Side lunges (L leg)
-30 (alternating leg) Lunges

Day 4: Core/Abs
This incredible core-slimming move looks easy, and it is...if you have amazing balance! | 50 Jump Ropes (If you don't have one you can do jumping jacks)
- 20 Warrior 3 pose progression (see picture >>)
- 30 Flutter Kicks
- 20 Superman Holds (hold for 2 sec, then release)
- 20 Spider man planks

Day 5: Arms: "Use weights that are challenging to you"
I used 15lb kettle bells
- 20 One arm kettle bell thrusters (R arm)
- 20 One arm kettle bell thrusters (L arm)
- 10 Dive bomber push ups
- 20 Bicep Curls (R arm)
- 20 Bicep Curls (L arm)
- 20 Knee or regular Push ups

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Fun activity (such as swimming, biking, hiking, running, kayaking, and anything else you can think of.) If I cannot do any of these due to a busy schedule, I like to do Cross fit workout like this one:

-100 jump ropes
-90 Mt Climbers
-80 sit ups
-70 squats
-60 Kettle bell swings
- 50 jump ropes
-40 box jumps (I used the stairs in my garage)
- 30 overhead walking lunges
- 20 burpees
- 10 minute run or 10 air squats

I love a challenge! I hope you enjoy this one! Feel free to break this up over a few weeks if this is too much for one week. Also, feel free to take more rest days if needed. Remember don't push yourself to the point of an injury. :) enjoy!

Monday, March 31, 2014


Hey readers!

This week has been great, yet busy! I just finished my modesty class last Tuesday and it was fantastic! The last day we had fun and made body scrubs and had great fellowship! It was all I would have hoped for!

Triathlon training is going good, now that the weather has warmed a bit! I have been doing a lot of cross training lately (cross training is exercises that are different than you normally would), but I have been trying the crossfit thing and I really enjoy it! Today was leg day.

20-15-20 (20 reps the 1st round, 15 the 2nd, and 10 the 3rd)

-Back Squats
- Overhead Lunges (15lbs)
-Deadlift (straight leg)
-Jump Rope

I am determined to raise my weights for all the exercises, and I really want to be able to do double unders on the jump rope!

I will post later! BYE!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Triathlon Update!! (Feb 27)

Triathlon Update:

Well, today I went for my long bike ride.
I went a whole mile more than my last long bike. I went 8 miles in 40 minutes and felt GREAT!! I really felt like I could run my 2 miles afterwards! I did not try to run though because I want to pace myself correctly rather than doing it all at once and risking an injury.

So tomorrow is my upper body day (aka long swim). I am going to do shoulders and abs tomorrow, so tune in tomorrow to hear the workout breakdown!

It's More than a Hemline- Update:

I started my modesty class on Tuesday, other than a few technical difficulties, it went VERY well! If you are interested, please visit for details on buying the sessions or attending.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Abs and Arms Hiit Workout

Hiit workouts are difficult, but so good for you! Today's workout is a 20 minute arms and abs focused workout with a little legs at the end.
I just finished this and it was hard but I feel great!

Use a stop watch to time yourself.

60 seconds of work
30 seconds of high knees
No Breaks (unless you NEED one.)

For beginners do
30 seconds of work
15 seconds of high knees
No Breaks (Try to push through it)

  1. high knees
  2. push up (Since I have to do a lot, I do them on my knees)
  3. high knees
  4. plank hip dips
  5. high knees
  6. burpees
  7. high knees
  8. reverse hook crunch
  9. high knees
  10. knee to elbow plank (right and left alternating)
  11. high knees
  12. frogger
  13. high knees
  14. flutter kicks
  15. high knees
  16. temple tap abs (I think Melissa Bender invented this and it is hard but it works!)
  17. high knees
  18. frog hoppers
  19. high knees
  20. surfers (this is SO difficult, but you can do it!)
  21. high knees
  22. curtsy lunge (Right)
  23. high knees
  24. curtsy lunge (Left)
  25. Squat hold (make sure you hold your hands behind you ears to keep the chest up)
Use any remaining time to stretch!!

Have Fun!

Rosemary Hair Rinse!!

This post is a lot different than my past posts, but I thought I would do this one anyways.
I have been using this hair rinse I created for the past few months and really noticed a difference when I stopped using 2 weeks ago.
It sounds gross but your hair does feel amazing after the first few weeks of using it.

It is a rosemary vinegar rinse, here is how to do it:

-White Vinegar
- Rosemary
-A jar
-A squeeze bottle

First you need some rosemary, I used about 4 sprigs. After you wash them, put them in a mason jar, or a glass container with a lid. Boil some water and pour into the jar. (You are essentially making tea with rosemary). After a few minutes, put the lid on it and let it steep for a day, or until it cools completely.
After it is completely cool, use a fine mesh strainer to get all the stuff out of the water. (YOU WANT TO KEEP THE WATER. You can do one of two things. You can either use this as your rinse (i just did this for the first few months), or you can add some white vinegar. I did not measure anything I just eye balled it, so I diluted the vinegar with water, then added my rosemary water. You want about 1/3 diluted vinegar and the rest rosemary water. I keep the rinse in a plastic water bottle in the shower, and use it after I shampoo.

The white vinegar strips shampoo buildup without harsh chemicals, the rosemary makes the hair soft, smooth, and less frizzy.
If you want you can add essential oils. Just keep in mind, I have darker blonde hair, it did slightly tint my hair (it was subtle though).
All those people concerned with the smell of vinegar. Don't use this last (after conditioner), you can use it before or after shampoo, and no, you can not smell it in your hair.